>> ERROR <<
!r3b007 r3qu1r3d
NEW: added border to top of page scroll wrapper
NEW: GitHub added to homepage social links
NEW: added 'Beacon' to 'Notable Work' list
UPDATED: changed 'Past Work' label to 'Notable Work' on homepage for improved specificity
UPDATED: left aligned navigation
UPDATED: navigation wrapper is now semi-transparent material with blur
UPDATED: lowered border opacities from 0.15 to 0.10
UPDATED: site version number in top left is now synced with most recent changelog CMS version
NEW: added page scroll translate function to homepage about content card
UPDATED: changed formatting of writing page list items and container
NEW: writing page added
NEW: four archived writings added to writing CMS
NEW: site navigation added
NEW: link added to social links on homepage
UPDATED: screen area in footer recalculates on screen resize
UPDATED: added padding to homepage bio
UPDATED: changed copy in homepage bio
UPDATED: moved page area script to global HTML head
FIXED: adjusted alignment of homepage work history and social link items
KNOWN ISSUE: contact button is still broken
NEW: About section on homepage
NEW: Added DM Mono typeface
UPDATED: Window area calculation in bottom right
UPDATE: new is live
NEW: Changelog initialized
KNOWN ISSUES: Contact link does not work